New Hanover County Schools




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To increase transparency and effective board governance, the New Hanover County Schools Board of Education is implementing Simbli, a paperless board management software system. Click on the Simbli icon to access board and committee meeting agendas and supporting documents.
The Chairperson appoints Board representatives on all committees  and will serve as an ex officio member on all such committees.

Board of Education Standing Committees

Finance Committee
Board Members: Pat Bradford (Chair), Hugh McManus
The purpose of this committee is to improve communication and transparency of financial reporting, budget development and budget reporting.  The committee provides input and feedback to the superintendent and staff.  Based on information gathered in these meetings and state/federal guidelines, the staff will improve reporting processes and communications.  The committee is composed of, at a minimum, two Board members, the Chief Financial Officer, three individuals from the senior leadership team, and a representative from each school level (elementary, middle school, and high school).
No outside committee members required)

Legislative Committee
Board Members: Josie Barnhart (Chair), Pat Bradford, Stephanie Walker

The purpose of this committee is to serve as a liaison between the Board of Education and local and state elected officials so as to enhance their awareness of issues as they pertain to our local public education system. 

The committee will be comprised of three board members, preferably at least one from each party.  The Legislative Committee would be responsible for creating a legislative agenda to be approved by the Board following the strategic plan and getting guidance and input from the Central Office and staff so that there is a collective vision to advocate with our elected officials on behalf of New Hanover Schools.

No outside committee members required)


Policy Committee
Board Members:  Melissa Mason (Chair), Pat Bradford, Stephanie Kraybill
This committee works with the superintendent and staff in the development and revision of all board policies.
The committee is comprised of three board members and is assisted by administrative staff at the direction of the superintendent or designee.
No outside committee members required)

This committee reviews all applications, interviews candidates, and awards the Student Scholarship for Future Teachers to New Hanover County Schools high school seniors annually.
The committee is comprised of all the members of the board, but a panel is permitted.  The Board Clerk shall coordinate all procedures regarding the scholarship.
No outside committee members required)

Board Members: Stephanie Kraybill (Chair), Pat Bradford
This committee works with the superintendent, the Title IX Coordinator, and staff. It is comprised of two board members as well as staff and community members to ensure that students are not denied equal access to educational programming and opportunities on the basis of sex.


Board of Education Advisory Committees

Advisory Council for Exceptional Students
Advisory Council for Exceptional Students Board Member:  Melissa Mason
This committee is responsible for the following: studying the school offerings in-depth to determine the degree to which schools are serving children with special needs; making recommendations to the board for needed improvements; and serving as an avenue of public sentiment for improvement in special needs education. 
It is comprised of one board member, the Director of Special Education, staff, parents, students, and community members.
Attendance is mandatory to remain on the council.

Calendar Committee
Board Member:  Hugh McManus, Pat Bradford
The purpose of this committee is to create the school system’s calendars.  The committee solicits input from staff, parents, students, and the community.  Based on the information gathered and state calendar guidelines, the committee generates draft calendars to present to the board for approval. 
The committee is comprised of two board members and must have at least one representative from each of the following groups: the senior leadership team, central office staff, and teachers, principals, parents, and students from each of the school levels.
Attendance is mandatory to remain on the committee.

CTE Business Advisory Council
Career Technical Education Board Member: Josie Barnhart, Stephanie Kraybill, Pete Wildeboer
The CTE business advisory council will serve the board by identifying economic and workforce development trends related to the training and educational needs of the community and advocating for strong, local career and technical education programs, including career pathway development that provides work-based learning opportunities for students and prepares students for post-secondary educational certifications and credentialing for high-demand careers.
Board Member:  Pat Bradford

Educator of the Year Committee
Board Member:  Hugh McManus

This committee reviews the applications and interviews and selects the candidates for the educator of the year awards. 

The committee is comprised of 14 members: one board member; one immediate past Teacher of the Year; one current Teacher of the Year; one immediate past Principal of the Year; one current Principal of the Year; one retired teacher; one parent of a student enrolled in New Hanover County Schools; one administrator; one high school teacher; one middle school teacher; one elementary school teacher; one past chairperson who serves as ex-officio; and two community representatives.


Gifted Advisory Council
Board Members: Melissa Mason

The establishment of this council is a requirement of the board and state approved New Hanover County Schools Gifted Education Improvement Plan – Academically or Intellectually Gifted (AIG).  The council monitors the timely and accurate implementation of all components of AIG; advocates, communicates, and liaises with business and the community at large with respect to AIG; and advises and makes recommendations to the board with respect to the improvement of the overall AIG program at the school system level.


Head Start Board of Directors
Board Member:
 Stephanie Walker

The Board of Education is the Board of Directors for Head Start.  One board member is assigned as the liaison between the two governing bodies.

A Policy Council must be established annually. It must be comprised of parents of currently enrolled children and community representatives. At least 51 percent of the members must be the parents of currently enrolled children. The council works in partnership with the key staff and the governing body to develop, review and approve policies and procedures related to Head Start. The purpose is to have parents involved with policy development and decisions that are made for their child's education.


School Health Advisory Council Board Members: Stephanie Kraybill

The board maintains a School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) to help plan, update, implement, promote, and monitor Policy 6140, Student Wellness, as well as to address other health and nutrition issues within the school system.  The council serves as an advisory committee regarding student health issues and works in conjunction with the district wellness coordinator to coordinate the school system’s efforts to promote student and employee health and wellness in compliance with state and federal requirements.

The council must include members of each of the following groups:  the school board (one member), school system administrators, school system food service representatives, physical education teachers, school health and mental health professionals, students, parents or guardians, and the community.



Board of Education Ad Hoc Committees

Bond Committee
Board Members: Hugh McManus, Josie Barnhart
As time and situations demand, ad hoc committees may be created by the chairperson with the approval of the board.  The chairperson assigns up to three board members to serve on the ad hoc committee.  Additional committee membership is determined depending on the nature of the committee.  Ad hoc committees are temporary and formed for a specific purpose.  Ad hoc committees have no final authority and are subordinate and advisory to the board.  The Board Clerk will maintain a list of ad hoc Committees.

Capital Request Committee
Board Member:  Stephanie Walker, Pete Wildeboer
As time and situations demand, ad hoc committees may be created by the chairperson with the approval of the board.  The chairperson assigns up to three board members to serve on the ad hoc committee.  Additional committee membership is determined depending on the nature of the committee.  Ad hoc committees are temporary and formed for a specific purpose.  Ad hoc committees have no final authority and are subordinate and advisory to the board.  The Board Clerk will maintain a list of ad hoc Committees.


Board of Education Outside Liaisons

Board Member: Stephanie Walker, Pete Wildeboer
The board of education is often asked to appoint one of its members or a designee to an outside committee, commission, or board to provide input on behalf of NHCS.  This will be done in accordance with Policy 2660, Board Appointments to Outside Committees.

The board of education is often asked to appoint one of its members or a designee to an outside committee, commission, or board to provide input on behalf of NHCS.  This will be done in accordance with Policy 2660, Board Appointments to Outside Committees.

Soil and Water
Board Member: Melissa Mason, Josie Barnhart