New Hanover County Schools




Materials Distribution in Schools

Requests to Distribute Materials in Schools

The NHCS Communication and Outreach Division reviews and considers requests from the community to distribute non-school materials to NHCS students through schools. Materials must adhere to the requirements set forth by New Hanover County Board of Education Policy 5210. Staff shall be required to distribute only six (6) types of materials to students to be taken home:
  • Local, state, and federal government agencies and departments;
  • Non-profit organizations that offer educational, recreational, cultural, or character development activities or programs for school-aged children, including but not limited to scouts, YMCA or YWCA, organized youth sport leagues, etc.;
  • School/business partnerships or incentive programs that directly enhance or support the school’s educational program;
  • Community colleges, universities, and other non-profit institutions of higher education;
  • For-profit before and after-school care providers; and
  • For-profit companies offering educational opportunities such as tutoring and group field trips.
The NHCS disclaimer must be included on any and all materials distributed to students.  The disclaimer is as follows: "This information/publication does not necessarily represent the views of New Hanover County Schools nor does it constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by New Hanover County Schools." School principals have site-based decision authority to decline approved materials for distribution to students.
Per Policy 5210 Please allow 5 School days for approval/denial of your request. If materials are approved:
  • A stamped/approved copy will be returned.
  • Materials should be bundled in groups of 30 for easy distribution at the schools. 
  • For verification purposes, a copy of the approved copy should be placed on top of materials.
Materials should be submitted for consideration via email to If materials are not approved, a response citing the reason(s) why approval was not granted will be provided. For more information about non-school materials distribution, please contact the Communication and Outreach Division at (910) 254-4280.