New Hanover County Schools




Blair Elementary

Replacement School 

Demolition of all existing structures and construction of a new 574 student elementary school built on the same site.  The Board of Education has approved the re-use of the prototype design of Snipes Academy of Arts and Design for Blair Elementary.  The project includes all on-site improvements and amenities.  Construction began in the summer of 2017 and was completed in April 2019.

Cost of replacement $17,011,381

Blair ES exterior
NHCS Project Manager:  Bobby Thomas 
Designer:        SfL+a Architects

Contractor:      Bordeaux Construction Company, Inc

Blair Elementary multi purpose room
Blair ES Hallway outside multipurpose rm
Blair ES green hallway
Blair auditorium seating
Blair ES Auditorium
Blair ES Cafeteria
Blair ES hallway and stairs
Blair ES classroom
Blair ES art room