New Hanover County Schools




Bus Routes

Bus routes for schools currently in session are posted for a limited time. The best way to track your student's bus is by downloading the Edulog Parent Portal App. The App provides secure and personalized bus data to show you where your bus is in real time. It also informs you of bus stop pick up and drop off schedules and when a bus is substituted so you can track the right bus. If your child's bus has a double run assigned to it, be advised it may be entering your defined radius twice, so don't be alarmed if it looks like it's arriving too early.  Our buses aim to arrive no sooner than 10 minutes early for morning pick up. View this video for easy App instructions: How to Use Edulog Parent Portal App.

Students receiving a new stop after the transportation request deadline, or a revised stop, will receive a bus pass through their school with detailed stop information. 

Find your child's school on the School Locator.