New Hanover County Schools




Gaggle Student Safety Management Tool

New Hanover County Schools is expanding efforts to create safe learning environments for all students with the implementation of Gaggle, an email safety management platform on February 2, 2021. Designed to proactively protect students and ensure that they are safely and correctly using school-provided digital tools, Gaggle will monitor district email accounts for students in grades 2-12 for harmful content and alert school officials to signs of self-harm, depression, thoughts of suicide, substance abuse, cyberbullying, credible threats of violence against others, or other harmful situations. 

The Gaggle safety management solution uses a combination of artificial intelligence and trained safety experts to provide real-time analysis and review of students’ use of online tools within the NHCS G Suite. With this solution, NHCS can proactively identify students who are struggling, provide support where needed, and create a safer school environment.  Gaggle only scans email, chat, and documents in the Google account that NHCS provides to students. The platforms does not have the capability to scan other email accounts or personal electronic devices.

Gaggle’s content analysis tools review  Gmail, attachments, and links to websites; Google Drive (Docs, Sheets, Slides, calendars, photos and non-native files); and Hangouts Chat.
Content Analysis
Machine learning technology reveals potentially harmful content in email, documents, shared files, images, photos and more.
Expert Review
Trained professionals evaluate content 24/7/365, alert school officials of unsafe situations
and can even contact local law enforcement.
Insight & Analytics
Administrators receive access to an interactive dashboard for insight into incidents and to help
keep students on track.
Optional Gmail and Google Drive archiving helps meet requirements of eDiscovery and Open Records laws.