Every authorized IB Diploma Programme school community has the opportunity to chart its course within IB by choosing the courses that best reflect the needs of the school.
IB Diploma Programme students take courses in six content "groups" in grades 11 and 12. Most of these courses take place across both years, but a few can be completed in one year. Three or four of these courses are at the Higher Level (HL), and two or three are at the Standard Level (SL). HL classes involve more time in class and opportunities for exploration, so students have the opportunity to emphasize their strengths and interests in the program they choose.
In addition to the six content groups, students take an "IB Core" class in both years, which includes the following:
Studies in the Theory of Knowledge (TOK), which compares, contrasts, and links the six disciplines;
Researching and writing the Extended Essay (EE), a 4000-word research paper on a topic chosen by the student; and
Completing and reflecting on approximately 150 hours of Creativity Activity Service (CAS), the heart of the program, which carries learning from the classroom and into the world.
Students earn one extra quality point for each course designated as IB on their transcript. We strive to also afford room in their schedule for one or two additional courses per year, which could be graduation requirements or electives.
Hoggard DP Courses Offered
Group 1 - Language A = Language and Literature (HL)
Group 2 - Language B = French (SL), Spanish (SL/HL)
Group 3 - Individuals and Societies =
- History of the Americas Route 2 & Twentieth Century World Topics (HL)
- Psychology (SL)
Group 4 - Natural Science =
- Biology (HL)
- Chemistry (SL)
- Sports, Exercise, and Health Science (SL)
Group 5 - Mathematics =
- Math: Applications & Interpretation (SL)
- Math: Analysis & Approaches (SL/HL)
Group 6 - Arts =
- Visual Arts (SL/HL)
- Dance (SL/HL)
- Theatre (SL)
(This course selection list is subject to change.)