Focus of the program:
- Well rounded educational experience to produce college ready graduates
- Interdisciplinary learning across traditional core subjects: English, History, Math, Science at the Honors & AP (college) level
Characteristics of students who are successful in the program
- Well-rounded
- Motivated
- College-bound
- Adventurous
Courses required in the PreLyceum program:
- 9th Grade - AP Government and Politics and Honors English I - taught in one block yearlong
- 10th Grade - Honors Personal Finance and Honors English II - taught in one block yearlong
Students will take the remainder of their courses in semester based classes during 9th/10th grade
How do students remain eligible for the program?
Students must reapply to the Lyceum program as a junior and must have completed the following minimum courses. Math I-III, English 1&2, Biology and Chemistry. Honors level is preferred.
Extra-curricular commitments:
Students are expected to attend all school related field trips. Scholarships and fundraising are available to offset costs.
Families must provide their own transportation if they are not districted to NHHS.
Earn up to 8 College Credits just through Lyceum AP courses
75% pass rate on AP Exams – National Average is 50%
Small class sizes = more support from teachers
Recitation for 11th/12th graders = 90 min block for homework/tutoring every day
Access to electives, sports, clubs of New Hanover High School
Ability to take Cape Fear Community College (CFCC) or North Carolina Virtual Public School (NCVPS) classes in addition to Lyceum classes
Other FAQs
Who is eligible?
Any student who is a resident of New Hanover County.
How many students can participate in the Lyceum Academy?
Enrollment is limited to 100 PreLyceum Freshmen, 100 PreLyceum Sophomores, and 100 Lyceum Academy total Juniors/Seniors.
What are the prerequisites for the Lyceum Academy as a Junior?
Math 1, Math 2, Math 3, English 1, English 2, Civics and Economics, Biology, and Chemistry
What courses should NOT be taken prior to entering Lyceum?
PreCalculus, AP Biology, AP English Language and Composition, AP US History, AP Calculus, AP Environmental Science, AP Literature & Composition, and AP World History
Is the academic load overwhelming?
While the work is challenging, teachers coordinate their scheduling of tests and assignments to make the workload manageable. Also, there is never more than one academic test in a given day within Lyceum. This coordination makes it possible to take up to 4 Advanced Placement classes simultaneously in the program. Additionally, students can have a recitation elective class each semester, which is a dedicated block for students to work on their assignments and get tutoring from their teachers
Do colleges recognize the Lyceum as an academically exceptional program?
Yes. Admission officers receive an addendum to each transcript explaining the program. Many universities visit and recruit on site. Schools both in and out of state have recognized the rigor of the program and give it high marks as well. Refer to colleges attended under the Lyceum statistics section.
Does Lyceum interfere with extracurricular activities? (I.E. sports, clubs, etc.)
On the contrary, a majority of club leaders, officers and varsity athletes are members of the Lyceum Academy.
How much does it cost to participate in the Lyceum trips?
We encourage 100% participation in the teaching trips as we will be covering class materials or providing a hands-on experience related to material recently covered in class. They range in price from $75 to $350 and are from 1 to 4 days in length. Fundraising is offered to offset each trip’s costs. We have NEVER left a student behind because of financial difficulties.